Is moderate drinking heart-healthy?

moderate drinking

Short-term recall methods ask respondents for information about their actual alcohol consumption over a short period of time (e.g., the past week). This approach is based on the assumption that respondents remember the actual amounts of alcohol that they consumed over short periods (e.g., the past week) more accurately than they remember the amounts consumed over long periods (e.g., 1 month or 1 year). The most commonly used measures in this category ask each participant to cite the number of drinks that he or she consumed on each of the 7 days preceding the survey, beginning with the most recent day (Rehm 1998). One drawback to this type of survey is that many infrequent or occasional drinkers may report no alcohol consumption during the time studied. Consequently, short-term recall measures may overestimate the proportion of abstainers compared with other survey methods. However, there is a vast middle ground between having one drink every now and then and alcoholism, and the truth about the potential risks to one’s health when it comes to moderate drinking are blurry.

moderate drinking

Alcohol levels

  • Alcohol consumption has been linked to cancers of the breast, colon and rectum, liver, esophagus, voice box, throat, mouth, and probably the pancreas, according to the American Cancer Society.
  • “Moderate beer consumption tends to increase bone density, and bone density is a valid biomarker for preventing osteoporosis,” says Wallace.
  • Technically, the only truly safe level of drinking is not drinking at all.
  • The less alcohol you drink, the lower your risk for these health effects, including several types of cancer.
  • First, studies have found that drinking alcohol in moderation increases your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good” cholesterol, which helps carry away and break down extra cholesterol in blood that could otherwise block your arteries.

People who choose not to drink make that choice for the same reasons. Knowing your personal risk based on your habits can help you make the best decision for you. The more variety, the better chance you’ll get all the dietary micronutrients you need. Drinking water is not a treatment for high blood pressure but it can help you sustain healthier blood pressure, whether you have hypertension or not. Most health providers recommend drinking six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day to supplement the water you get from the foods.

moderate drinking

Alcohol Use

Drinking too much alcohol too frequently is unhealthy and can lead to liver disease, weight gain, and alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol consumption may also play a role in certain mental health conditions, like depression and dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. The opposite of moderate drinking is either heavy drinking or binge drinking. In this article, we’ll discuss the difference between moderate drinking and binge drinking, the potential benefits of moderate drinking, and how you can achieve moderation.

  • This becomes especially crucial later in life, because good nutrition helps reduce the risk of chronic conditions like hypertension, high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.
  • So many people are invested in drinking less alcohol for one reason or another, and in response, the zero-proof spirit market has exploded.
  • In our research, the head of the bed was raised at a 19-degree angle.
  • Secondly, despite the ongoing message to drink in moderation (and again, that’s up to one drink a day for women and up to two for men), binge drinking the U.S. is fairly prevalent.

Observational study limitations

moderate drinking

One of the reasons underlying higher estimates with graduated frequency measures is that such measures generally involve more questions than do simple QF measures, particularly for heavier drinkers. Survey researchers have discovered that more questions (and consequently more answers) may lead to higher consumption estimates, which are generally considered to be more accurate. And our final tip is When you do imbibe, shoot for healthier drinks that help mitigate some of the health impacts of alcohol. Generally, these healthier options will be low in (or free of) added sugars. When it comes to nutrient-added drinks, this could look like opting for resveratrol-rich (an anti-inflammatory plant compound) red wine or choosing a mixed drink made with nutrient-rich ingredients like fresh vegetable juice. “The fundamental issue is who is in the comparison group,” says psychiatrist Sarah Hartz of Washington University in St. Louis.

  • It’s long been known that alcohol reduces the amygdala’s reactivity to threatening stimuli while individuals are drinking.
  • In the United States, however, each bar, restaurant, or other establishment that serves alcoholic beverages can set its own standards, although establishments generally are consistent in the sizes of the drinks they serve.

Risks Of Moderate Drinking

Dehydration occurs when the body loses too much water that it needs to function normally. One of the main reasons for this is not drinking enough water or not replenishing water lost to sweat, excessive urination, vomiting, or diarrhea. Overall, however, it’s a fascinating take on moderate drinking that doesn’t urge the unlikely abstinence that’s often hard to achieve in the real world. In the past, many studies have made headlines after they found people who drank a moderate amount of alcohol often had healthier outcomes than people who completely abstained from alcohol. And all of this is true despite the well-known and well-publicized risks of drinking too much alcohol.

moderate drinking

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moderate drinking

  • Many of these benefits are quite small, and it’s hard to predict who will actually benefit and who may be harmed more than helped by alcohol consumption.
  • In contrast, those undergoing superficial or limb surgeries demonstrated a preference for larger quantities and a quicker pace of water intake.
  • One benefit of QF measures is that the analyses sometimes also provide information on drinking patterns.
  • The amount of water consumed was also closely related to the patient’s past drinking habits [23].
  • The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines moderate drinking as up to two alcoholic drinks for men and one for women in any single day.

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